Status from Havila Voyages

Contact Information for Voyages:

  • Press Duty: +477 67 400
  • Emergency Phone for Crew Relatives: +477 67 305
  • Emergency Phone for Passenger Relatives: +477 67 910

25.07, 11:00 Cancellation of Round Trip with Havila Polaris Havila Voyages regrets to announce that Havila Polaris must cancel the remaining round trip from Ålesund following an incident of overheating on board the ship yesterday. On Wednesday, July 24th, overheating occurred in the propulsion system on the port side outside of Stranda on the way to the Geirangerfjord. This has resulted in damage that requires immediate repair. "It is, of course, very unfortunate for all our passengers who were looking forward to a unique experience along the Norwegian coast, and this is a situation we wish we could have avoided, but it has been beyond our control," says CEO Bent Martini.

"Safety is our highest priority, and we will never compromise on that. Therefore, Havila Polaris will not be able to sail until repairs are completed and the systems thoroughly tested. We plan for Havila Polaris to be back in service from Bergen on August 3rd," explains Martini. Havila Polaris will find a suitable location to continue inspections and perform the necessary repairs. The company greatly appreciates the passengers' understanding and patience in this situation and apologizes for the outcome for the guests on board. "We are very sorry that this situation has disrupted our passengers' vacation. All affected guests will be contacted by Havila Kystruten as soon as possible for information on further handling and possible alternatives. We will do our best to offer them the opportunity to take a new trip at a later date," says Martini. Martini also takes the opportunity to thank the crew on board who handled the situation excellently, preventing more significant damage to the ship while also taking good care of the guests on board. "From what we in the shore organization experienced and based on feedback from passengers who were on board on Wednesday, our crew on Havila Polaris handled this incident very well. They prevented more significant damage and made the right choices to ensure the safety of passengers, crew, and the ship. Additionally, the incident occurred without too much drama and in an orderly manner. Their efforts in a critical situation have been outstanding," concludes Martini. After repairs, Havila Polaris will return to service from Bergen on August 3rd, 2024.


24.07 Havila Polaris Delayed from Ålesund

Following the incident on board the coastal cruise ship "MS Havila Polaris" earlier today, the ship will be delayed in its schedule from Ålesund.On Wednesday, July 24, Havila Polaris experienced overheating in the propulsion system on the port side off Ålesund while en route to the Geirangerfjord. The ship docked at Stranda under its own power, where passengers and part of the crew were evacuated ashore via gangway for safety reasons.

Havila Polaris has now received temporary sailing permission from DNV and the Norwegian Maritime Authority to sail back to Ålesund, where the ship will dock at Storneskaia. Expected arrival at Storneskaia is at 11 p.m. Wednesday. Initially, Havila Polaris will be delayed in its schedule from Ålesund.

"We never compromise on safety and would never sail back to Ålesund unless it was safe for passengers and crew," says CEO Bent Martini in Havila Voyages.

"It is, of course, unfortunate that we had an incident on board, but as we see it, the crew has handled the situation as well as possible and prevented more significant damage to the ship."

Passengers on board will be able to stay on the ship in Ålesund, and Havila Voyages will provide more information about the next steps once the extent of the damage is clarified and further plans are made.

"It is important for us to get a complete overview of the damage and how this affects future operations. We need some time for this, in cooperation with our suppliers," says Martini.

"We will take good care of our passengers and do our utmost to ensure they have a good experience in Ålesund tomorrow," he concludes.

More information about the future operations of Havila Polaris will be provided as soon as it is available.

Update at 14:50: Havila Polaris has received temporary sailing permission from DNV (Det Norske Veritas) and the Norwegian Maritime Authority to sail back to Ålesund, where Havila Polaris will dock at Storneskaia. Passengers and crew are on their way back on board, and the expected departure from Stranda is in about half an hour.

Havila Kystruten AS: Incident on Board "MS Havila Polaris"

Today, July 24, 2024, at 13:18, there was an incident with the coastal cruise ship "MS Havila Polaris" off Stranda on its way into the Geirangerfjord. All passengers and part of the crew have been safely disembarked ashore at Stranda. 

Havila Polaris was off Stranda on its way into the Geirangerfjord on a northbound route, and at 13:18 today, overheating was reported in the propulsion system on the port side. There has been no outbreak of fire on board, but significant overheating triggered cooling and foam spraying in the affected areas. 

Havila Polaris had 397 passengers on board in addition to a crew of 68. The ship has docked at Stranda, where all passengers and 30 of the crew members have been disembarked via gangway for safety reasons. The disembarked crew is assisting passengers on land. 

Everyone that has been disembarked are gathered at the cultural center in Stranda, which will serve as a reception center. No passenger injuries have been reported, but two crew members are being checked by medical personnel on land for suspected smoke inhalation.

More information will be released as soon as it becomes available.  

Contact Information for Voyages:

  • Press Duty: +477 67 400
  • Emergency Phone for Crew Relatives: +477 67 305
  • Emergency Phone for Passenger Relatives: +477 67 910